Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Shameless Plea for Sympathy..with built in rewards

You know when you go on a vacation and get back late at night and just go to sleep because you have to be at work the next morning? Well my scenario was something like that. Home at 10pm last night and had to be at work by 9.

OK, I know I'm boring you so far, so I offer you Sienna Miller's ass as an incentive to keep reading::

That's just an apertif. More nook where that came from.

I woke up at 6:30 a.m with what I thought was another of many calls of nature, only to find myself already spent.
10 minutes later I get the familiar abdominal pain associated with a Kidney Stone. I had one once before and this pain was identically excruciating. Whimpering pain and discomfort for hours was sure to follow. Along with the prerequisite nausea, sweating and overall clamminess. Okay, I know this is making you readers uncomfortable and perhaps a bit nauseous yourself. But I'm sure we've all been there. It's all a part of life, take the good with the bad. For example, take the hard pAAArtying habits of Ms. Lindsay Lohan. I'm not sure what motivated her to go into rehab (spiritual reasons?) Maybe one particularly strenuous service at the porcelain altar might give her perspective. But God bless her anyway, she's young, seemingly indestructible, thick and freckly skinned and ummmmm, take a gander:

So I'm home from the ER, got medication and will be resting up for the time being. I am the kind of person who doesn't like to shirk his responsibilities in the workplace however. I should really take my time, lest I be seen as somebody such as Britney Spears. Her Rehab stay IMHO was all to brief and did not address certain issues running deep in her psyche. But if it's a creative outlet she wants I think it's a step in the right direction. But the atmosphere surrounding here recent club appearance in San Diego and this picture below signifies there is something amiss in that there brain thingy.

If I haven't lost you by now, then you are a true friend of the G. I shall bounce back shiny and fresh as a freshly cut Portman and will sing karaeoke to the break of midnight once again! Special thanks to my special one, my girlfriend Julie who did much in the way of comforting me through this and stayed home to make sure i'm alright.


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