Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Sniff if you love America, I do a lot

Approximately the ful crowd on Sunday, I'd say500 at most.

It was a pretty active weekend in DC as you may imagine with the big protest and the little counter protests. I of course was there, half in spirit, a ghostlike wandering spirit if you will, part quivering tortured flesh. We're on the other end of cherry blossom season here and my allergies got so bad I thought it was something worse.

Saturdays rally was spectacular indeed, you could not help but feel it was the 60s again. Endless speeches and spirituals, please for environmental programs over military exploits exhibited both sides of good old fashioned Amerikan altruism. It's a great country run incredibly stupidly it seems. With such diversity you can only imagine how widespread dissent is. With a more homogenized people it's easier to nail down an overall philosophy of life. Oh well, it seems we have lost the way. Someone in Washington must have saw the silver lining when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, and as it is rumored by some felt another one was in order to re-establish the military state. W, being a rich Texas tykook felt that was all fine and dandy, but now his allies are getting fewer as he seeks more big government back up as his only sheild to keep him in power, and boy does he have it.
Saturday's protest may have been a Woodstock, and Sunday's counter rally was a bingo game in Gulfport. But the Wrights are right, and though they swatheth themselves in the homemade flag, they are the protected and cosummated true Americans that carry the guns and die happy and martyred. And they produce faster than McDonalds, poor uneducated and ignorant make great briquets for the flames of war.
Don't get me wrong, I'm against the damn war alright, I'm enlightened to the strentgths and faults of this democracy and willing to consider another way. As long as change is presented in a peaceful way, that's what we're doing wrong over there. More bombs are on the way...you finished with that Constitution yet? we might have to make some changes...
The 90s are gone, but the jadedness survives. I felt personally disappointed that I' didn't talk at length with demonstrators on either side, just a social phobia, but who knows, deep within lies an inner objectivity that will benefit me someday. Taking my sad sneezy self off the front lines and back in front of the TV for our good ole' 'Merican beer drinkin' activities tasted a bit sour to me on this occasion. For Pittsburgh Steeler fans, apparently they felt a similar angst.


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