Thursday, December 22, 2005

Dum de dum dum dummm

First I must strongly advise no one to visit the following site:
as it might cause you severe loss of cognizant function and render you a drippy heap, leaving you less time and
less able to perform ordinary daily functions. I for one am able to handle it as well as I do most horror films as I have
supreme control over my senses, to rival even the mighty Colossus. It helps to be in this state of mind near the holidays,not having to deal with a whole lot of stress. My shopping has been leisurely, even my trip to the post office was relaxing. Standing in line for an hour, I listened to the famously sloppy 1986 bootleg of Venom at Hammersmith Odeon, makes Hellhammer sound like King Crimson!

Saw the Chronicles of Narnia the other day. Didn't find it at all ostentatios or give me nightmares or anything, not withstanding the far-fetched and fantastical flight flancy it posed. Ah to be young and cute again (see above) The child actors were appropriately cute and ready for war, resillient enough to repel the forces of evil led by the endlessly enigmatic Tilda Swinton. It seems her career is picking up as well, nearly the same character she played in Constantine. BTW if you can find my review in imdb of that film, tell me if I'm not making a good point. 1 out of 15 people so far have thought so. But about Swinton and cute people, I wonder if there was ever a child actor who was cute as hell and grew up to look so weird, in an interesting way, that he'she truly reinvented himself. I don't think it will work for future generations of actors or anyone who ever associated with Michael Jackson, as they are now ruined for life!!!~~~___

Saw the 1951 version of A Christmas Carol. Very good creepy London production.
The Xmas tree still looks nice, presents await, Mezzuzah on the wall, Menorah ready for action.


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