Friday, December 16, 2005

A very WHITE House Christmas

Alright, it's no big deal, we had diversity...W may be a lot of things, but "Do NOT call me a racist" That was a quote.
Seemed true, on this occasion, my second trip to the White House Xmas party, 1:29 the Bushes must endure like robotic twigs in the underbelly of their abode. Entertaining those he has frustrated and screwed for the past year. Anyway, me and Zhuliee arrive in a sideways freezing rain and enter, soggy-ankled. Meetings, observations, the usual...where's the bar, what's the damage?
Um, 2 bourbon-gingers, 2 spikey noggs, 2 sips of wine. The fare: not salty-enough lox, dry chicken mini-bobs, second-tier crabcakes, assortment of cheeses, cakes, truffs. The Marine corps band played well as always, very expertly, harp and flute downstairs as we lined up for Bush. More spooked was I than last year, my name and beard must have revealed my Jewishness, but I guess W figured I love Sharon, the Jewish John Wayne.
Other highlights will be on the flickrpage.

Other notes, today I bid farewell to The Silver Surfer, also known as Astro Van #2. This signifyeth my broke-ness, and my willingness to abandon paranoia, renounce hustling and entrepreneurism and to only apply for jobs which I am unqualified for, but attainable via my resurrected charm, hence the lack of stress of owning a car, more leg excercise.


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