Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A Word for September

di‧dac‧tic  [dahy-dak-tik] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. intended for instruction; instructive: didactic poetry.
2. inclined to teach or lecture others too much: a boring, didactic speaker.
3. teaching or intending to teach a moral lesson.
4. didactics, (used with a singular verb) the art or science of teaching.

(I will get to the groovy slideshow of P-Town pictures, just uploaded them)

I've had this word Didactic on my mind for a little while. I first heard it in the Minutemen documentary, We Jam Econo.
If you compare these two SST bands (Minutemen and Black Flag) you'll find that the politics are the same but the mode of expression differs. Rollins and the Flags other writers come off as typically angry punks. Ready to chuck a bottle at a cop at the next glance, piss on a wino, cut themselves with glass and overall sick-of-it-allness, (More on NYC/HC;s finest later, perhaps)

Upon discovering the Minutemen (I admit it, I'm late) it's quite surreal to hear a poetry-based punk rock band. I can't believe they were so universally accepted being so fucking Dada. But I think it's nice to be expressionistic, instead of being bitchy and irritating. there are other ways to get your point across. I don't consider the aspect of teaching to be a prime motive in the didactic motives of les Punx. They would not claim their opionions be the gospel for all, just those who come to shows and buy T-Shirts.