Monday, August 07, 2006

Juice'd up

Yeah baby, the start of many a Monday hereafter.
I'm getting the hang of the new job, and doing reconnisance of the many options for lunch. The lure of the ever-present golden arches beckons me daily on my return trip, after I deliver the paper to the post office. There's just something about grabbing a burger for a buck and getting back in the van, tunes a rockin, one hand on the wheel, the other around a burger.
But that wasn't enough, as I know not to push my luck with french fries and soft drink unless I want to become a burp and fart machine. So I come back to the office, and I go out.... Mini-salad? No. Sushi? Not in great supply. Wait... I have a Robeks Smoothie coupon on me and they're a block away.

Service? Not a strong point. Atmosphere? Not great. Prices? Other than this one, it's premium.
The product? A Motherfucker! I chose a raspberry smoothie with sorbet with an immuno-shot, coming off the allergies I felt a need. My sinuses and other compartments around my brain opened up like a butterfly's wings. Ahhhhhhhhh!
Next time I get the 20 Oz.

Now before I get all "It's so great to be a self-satisfying Yuppie with a sense of entitlement..and a JEW to boot" what bit of hypertexting I come across on another blog but this bit of humourous punditry. I'm not one to defend the Hebes with everything they do, this current war a case in point, no I don't have the answers, I'm sorry. But I will certainly lose no sleep if the LA Courts step up and do their job and throw the book (according to validity of the charges) at Mr. Gibson. Just for a change, must they let another powerful, famous person off with rehab? Just a wish, a crave, a wanting of all things justice...