Friday, August 03, 2007

Endless Summer

Our duty as American's is to serve our country. If we are not in a position to serve as tradition dictates, the tradition now is to blog. If we must blog, let it be of substance, not to wax giggly over our last haul at Target, which perhaps I'm guilty of, but that's another story for another day.

I watch the news in all it's formats. I know about Britney as well as I know Iraq, and even an amateur news source should give equal time to the banal and the grotesque. How can we not admit, both subjects and their abjective planes have been on our mind. Heck for the last two years it seems like I hear of nothing else.

Following a previous post I lambasted the Congress for their douchebaggedry of persistent hastily-prepared bills calling for withdrawal from Iraq. My feeling was, great guys, but you missed the boat a couple of months back, by passing the supplemental, backing the surge. Apparently this only further alienated the Republicans in Congress who took this simpering defeat as an alignment with the common enemy-Bush. Sheesh! Anything to get elected in '08!

With the approval ratings as low as they are it's hard to imagine that the motivations of these politicians are rooted in the present, or to solidify positioning in next years campaign. Apparently John McCain is stuck in a nether region of both and has Gulagged himself out of contention practically.

Less than a month ago the consensus was that there was progress in Iraq. It could not be projected if the calm-by-Iraq standards would continue through the summer. Bush would cite this progress at every chance, with the proviso that Petraeus would most likely affirm this military progress.

A comparison of our Congress and the Iraqi parliament: pre-vacation.
Our Congress is unable to pass legislation, grounded by party-line votes and veto threats. Also sidelined by oversight investigations, gaining little new intel, but setting new standards for baffling non-answers, 5th amendment invocation and blame passing.
The Iraqi parliment is run by a Shiite tribesman, who was once sentenced to death by Saddam Hussein in 1980. He fled to Syria and plotted assassination attempts on Saddam from abroad. Now does he seem like the kind of guy willing to split power of the country with the Sunni? Apparently the Sunni think not. After boycotting Parliament for a month, the Sunni came back, apparently forgetting their gum .

Our main area of progress in Iraq is Anbar Province. This is a Sunni area, which was cleared of Al Quaida insurgents by Sunni insurgents, armed by the US. This has alienated Al-Maliki's government, but all they can do is ask the US to kindly withdraw, which is not going to happen.

Are we the problem? We didn't start the shitstorm, but we sure as shit stirred it up and it's costing us a whole lotta shit. So Bush better get his shit together and come up with some other shit, because this shit we're working ain't it.

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