Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I can't take this....

I'm not sure if I can articulate my feelings too accurately at this point. I'm really losing my mind what with the....sycophantic, passive aggressive, unapologetic.....nerve that this bullshit "artist" is perpetrating. I suppose her publicists let her get so low that they had to do an intervention and use her current condition to their advantage. Everyone gets a cut. But you know, this has all been done before. I suppose the miraculous thing is that somebody actually bought these pictures, figuring the public might appreciate them in some grotesque way.

Perhaps she has been advised...don't bitch about the media, cuz she has most definitely lost that priviledge. If she whines anymore again how awful it is to be in the public eye, I wanna see papparazzi coming at her with UZIs blazing

So what's up with me? Nothing much, just a coupon carrying working man with barely the opportunity to strum guitars with some college kid, much less book studio time at the drop of a dime to spout some self indulgent pablum to canned beats.