Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Ben-iGn poetry

So how've I been, let's see. Felt a bit of the atmospheric allegies lately, as well as some dust-bunnies, relative to the moldy surrounding of our storage/laundry room. Briefly affected me at work, but caffeine is usually an effective antidote. I've really felt those lattes kicking me into gear. Begun some training for the Freer-Sackler museums, most prestigious in my book. Still trying to write songs, but it seems that I stumbled onto a bit of a poetry bug, which I wrote in an old book in the park (my laptop's battery doesn't work) so I will reprint it here for your permanent enjoyment...wait a moment...

Here tis.
By the way, the picture is of Ernie Kovacs, early TV personality, as my favorite character: Percy Dovetonsils, Poet Laureate

Poem 1 for Coffeeshop

Drip that coffee black and hot
Recall all that I forgot
Experience is stewed, an old life now renewed
Pass the gas and walk a few more miles
Relate, don't promulgate the efforts of other-man
Deign, not wean, not lean but stand Fat (now it gets good!)
Walk the bean in between sweat grinds
Crunch blue and siphon green
To riff it alone is solo, it's awesome!
Make paper and waste excess. It's a way!
Take patterns and keep a log.
Plans to stick to the downward path, it's slope not upstanding.
Heart battery not needed at this time, but note if so desired switch position to one less instilling.
So much sodium and other high numbers.
The table overflows with RXs, and no more or less than TEN FREE TOES!
Treat your serf to a cold omelet.
Hold lard and request a condensed mint on the side.
It's repetitious, but only in moderation.