Sunday, January 21, 2007

Tales of the new Yuppie and the new Fondue.

New title of the blog? Nah. But there were ideas of (in an attempt to generate sponsors who would insist on more frequent posts) turn this blog into yet another home for political discussion. And to refer to "The Blog" in the third person. Talkin' radical stuff here. We'll see where the energy goes. For now, allow the pseudonym "G" to stand for "The Blog" representing your author.

There was a notion of posting this week regarding the impending covers gig G had intentions on for some time. There was a declination, a rejection by this particular fast food manager, declaring that although my playing and material were good, the singing was not up to (the establishment's) standards. Needless to say this was disappointing and hurtful, and made G recall briefly watching American Idol the night before, a rare occasion. Of note was a proud but delusional Latina girl whose vocal warbling were rebuked by Simon repeatedly. To smugly retort "you don't know nuthin' 'bout me, you don't know nothin' about music" was somewhat out of line. If you don't make the audition, it is simply wasted time chalk it up to the need for more practice. The cruel lesson is, the pain is real, though not acute.

Now until G gets serious about the blog the material will remain it's varied-topical self, full of silly anecdotes chronicalling the modernistic adventures of G. Got one for you now:

There's been alot of cheese lately. A lot of cheese. Urp! I just turned down raw brownie batter after just a few licks. Let's see. Yesterday's breakfast was a cheese omelet and 3 pieces of bacon. Late lunch was a can of CBAD Ravioli (sprinkled with peppered parmesan). Dinner was a lovely party at the home of a "Washington Socialite". There was smoked gouda, pizza and a very large German pretzel which G smeared with goat.

Tonight is a party home, just to hang with our main gays. The item featured is a device and a cheese of the same name:RACLET. It is a soft stinky Swiss solid cow milk product. The device is an electric grill with trays that you slide underneath to melt your cheese, On the flat top, you grill small cooked potatoes, which are later semi-mashed, salami, pepperoni and prosciutto which are fried crispy, and apple and pineapple for contrast and extra flavor. Pair this with a fine Pinot and you have an interactive and smoky fun experience which is both appetizer and entree.

Now here's the kicker, J and G go to nearby Whole Foods to purchase these pricey vittles, finding everything but the most vital ingredients: the cheese and the meat. It is now starting to snow, first of the season, cause of much jubilation on G's part, or at first I thought as much. All that matters is the task at hand, the obstacles notwithstanding, minor but daunting in my mind. The mission is to hop on the bicycle in moderate snow a couple of miles over to Dean & DeLuca in Georgetown.
Now I'm a sale watching, coupon clipping, discount store trolling fellow, as is my usual inclination. But now I have a great loving and cultivated girlfriend that likes me eating organic foods and wearing cashmere sweaters. There was a time I would not have imagined wearing such items, or shopping at such places as D & D. Perhaps Whole Foods occasional for certain items if they were on sale like couscous. So, why shop for raclet when you can microwave a can of cheez whiz? If your'e watching a football game alone it's fine, but in my situation now it just won't do.
This is all mean to be funny people.

So I did the mission, one of those trudgy grindy rides, wore many layers outside but sweating heavily underneath. To confess to a bit of pride to accomplish this is somewhat hubristic. The same kudos would have been earned if the run was done in a motorized vehicle, but to know further what is possible with the will and the ways currently employed is the standard by which the blog abides and will continue to do so.

Soundtrack to this blog entry (subject to new-hipster shufflings' sake)
The Killers "Jenny was a friend of mine"


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