Thursday, May 10, 2007

Why I don't write love songs (prodigously)

Inspiration sometimes comes from the most unlikely sources. In fact it may arise from the polar opposite of the emotion elicited from the subject. Such was the case when I viewed the new Marilyn Manson video. I don't remember the title, all for the best that I keep a direct acknowledgement vague.
Not a big fan. Why? It seemed that the MM act consistently went out of their way to offend the public a. naming the band members after celebrities & serial killers (which is not offensive to me) and b. making mediocre music (most offensive to me).
So years have passed, his star has risen and leveled off considerably, and he is known as of late to have dumped his wife, Burlesque model/performer Dita Von Teese for the considerably younger actress Evan Rachel Wood. The video is supposedly some kind of cathartic expression of his guilt, joy and horniness.
The backing track isn't awful, sounding more like the Clash than Ministry, which gave me the courage to hang in through the 8 minute duration of the video. When you have money and fame the only thing you have to worry about is how to balance your love life with your career. This leaves MM in a state of whininess, crooning about his heart, his love, his flesh.

Dat. dat dat dat dah......
Shut the FUCK...UP!!

It may take me a while to finish this songt, along with the last one I wrote, cuz i have no studio time lined up, no Discmakers order to place, so I will just let you in on a preview of the songs that I will finish when the time is right.
It;s great being in love, feeling secure and cared for so what else is there? A world with a big flaming open sore right in it's solar plexus. Iraq, the birthplace of civilization, the Tigrss/Euphrates rivers which birthed us all is a mess, a victim of America's leadership preemptively and with micromanaged precision in a stranglehold out of control. Our own process of government unable to better this place by example for it cannot get out of it's own way.
The idea, metaphorically and humorously is to encapsulate the flawed logic ruling the process of our politics, currently. To lament without being didactic is my hope. I'm searching for the reverse inspiration as well to write a little dittty for my GF, maybe if there's a gig coming where I can really make her blush up in front of her peeps. Awww!


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