Friday, March 24, 2006

Room for Eccentricities behind the counter?

3rd out of 4 straight days Barista-ing and I've yet to snap...well I did throw my hat yesterday. Today I felt slightly in authoritah, left to judge what to lay out for the lunch crowd. They came in waves and waves but I survived. My mutterings and occasional songs perplexing my coworkers. When one of them went into her own little booty grind, hollah, I felt embarrassed to look. Not that she was a hottie, not the case, but witnessing kooky behavior does put the viewer on the spot a bit. How do you react? There's nothing in the training manual (??!) that says you can or cannot do this. Now I'm the last person to care, I want a reaction cuz I think my humor is intelligent and credible and vital and brave. You cannot be boring! You're making <$10 an hour, so get down!