Thursday, March 09, 2006

Officer Blogdabovitch?

What the hell is this...a blog or something? Which brings me to wonder what in my current or past activities qualifies me to be an officer or some kind, this time being Police. Well whether my college has anything to do with it might matter. That said, the college only in name-dropping that I have a degree has been of so little use to me through the years. I finally contacted them today for a transcript, only to be given a bill for something I'll never see. Maybe I should have ordered one for myself. They're always ready to ring you up. The common link is that for the truly desperate and string grabbing innocent lambs like me, the takers and scammers are all on the take and they don't fade with age. Not to say I'm innocent of all sin, but a typical lamb, be it a paschal, sacrificial or a sheep being led to slaughter, or one who likes to abuse his horned cranium, that's me.

To fill in the literal gap, I explored DC Villiage in Anacostia, NOVA destined for the Police recruitment center. Not having a car left me kinda at the mercy of public trans, so one wrong bus, one right bus, wrong location, a long walk down wooded/industrial, virually abandoned looking roads later I made it. Endured a lot of struggle through the fingerprint process. Found the bus stop very near and back again when I really saw the town. The emergency shelter for displaced families from who-knows-where. Many ghetto blocks with the usual bodegas, liquor stores, churches and Popeyes.

My qualifications in my mind have no place in this world. Not one I had imagined myself in. But did I belong in the Lovesphere? Let's just hide that qualification, or shelf it this year, I'm mailing my contribution to the Spring Equinox and the great takeover by The Urban the mail. My suitors of own rage...the Navy...The Police...The Starbux....The ones I currently work for and deign not to shun... Through this all...the girlfriend strokes my a curious kitten to a confused sheep. She rides the sheep as it slams itself into the side of the barn...again! Beeeehhh!!