Saturday, March 18, 2006

High price for a clean neck

Well I hate to dwell on tragedy, but hear this. I went to The upscale barber shop today (not many choices here) to get my bi-monthly grooming. After juggling all my stuff, stashing my sunglasses, cap, headphones, books and scarf into various pockets of accessable nature I entered. Went through the $30 process, shampooed, neck shaved without warm gel, ouch! I walked to the corner, couldn't find my shades. Not the cheap $5 shades which I lost earlier this week, but the leather posted Kenneth Cole shades Jules got me for Xmas, which I've worn scarcely. Total fuckin disappearrance! Rage consumed me, of a different nature than the rage that filled the hippy hearts of the nearby frozen anti-war protestors. The only anniversary I have to commemorate is the daily song of of "why I'm such an idiot" that I sing to myself, sharing with the world the true affirmation of yes, that is I and all that I am. It just seems that I cannot bask in the artificial glow of my freshly exfoliated DNA