Friday, May 11, 2007

All the guitars in the world!!!!!!!!

Perenially at the risk of boring y'all I will tell you of my visit yesterday to Guitar Center in Twinbrook, near Rockville Maryland.
Shall I mention the Metro ride? Well I felt queasy and crappy being on a train, but hey, it's cheap. I am going for the Metro performers license on Saturday and I needed a battery powered Taxi amp. Normally I would have ordered this amp online but time was short and I haven't been in the cozy guitar filled confines of guitar center in quite a while.
I entered, a salesman brought my amp up, put it behind the counter and I grabbed guitars for at least an hour.
The Fenders were rather unimpressive. The Tele Deluxe 1972 replicas were what you'd expect from a Mexican made $629 axe. They don't make a USA model with that configuration, so no interest. The $249 Squier JagMaster actually had a cooler vibe than the all black $500 Fender Jaguar. I like the simplicity and the sunburst/fake turquoise pickguard as well as the gritty tone I elicited from the 10 watt Fender Champ I was cranking on. The only Strat I touched was one of those "restored relics", which combines vintage specs and parts with "aged" effects like belt clip scratches and weather stripping. I liked the candy apple red with matching headstock. Those were around 2 grand.
Gibson had a nice 3 pickup SG in faded ebony. Very natural. The regular Firebirds were a disappointment. Really cheesy finish in red and sundburst but the beauty of them all was a 3 pickup Non-Reverse Firebird in white with dark flecks. I've never seen a finish like that, kind of like dirty snow. That axe was immaculate and not ridiculous at $1700.
Acoustic wise was all the usual, Martins, Taylors and Ovations. There was a 00 Martin with the real vintage headstock but it still didn't seem like a real parlor-style guitar to me. Also the new Taylor slimline electric was remarkably average. The consumer models (or are they discounted down from 2300 to more around 1500??) Were fast and crisp but felt unsubstantial, especially for the money they charge.
Fender has the right idea with the USA made P-Bass. Badass bridge and vintage LARGE lettering on the headstock are all that's required. I was playing along to Minor Threat. How the hell can you try out guitars in a store when they're playing the Minor Threat anthology on the PA? I know it's short, but still...


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