Monday, January 23, 2006

Here's Julie

I know it's been a while since I posted any pictures of Julie on my blog. People use the internet to indulge their narcissism, to send anonymous hate mail and post their privates for perusal. I think it's a valuable tool that can better express what one vocally cannot, the bytes speak for themselves. There hasn't been much I've been witholding here, my mundane or revelatory experiences notwithstanding. But perhaps the obvious needs to be shown. My girlfriend Julie has made my presence known to the top members of the media she knows, has taken me to the White House twice to meet the Bushes, McClellan, Rove etc. As comfortable as I've been living in the shadows before I need to walk within the light and feel at peace. While we do have our independent interests and tastes we share an overall philosophy of life that it should be enjoyed with the simplest pleasures.


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