Wednesday, April 12, 2006

*G* Knew this day would come

Just as another great Jew, Moses strikes water from a stone (shown in the art by my latest friend Bacchchiacca) I too performed a miracle today which will secure my standing as an altrusistic, long suffering Hebe of great value and historical significance.
I worked from 6:30 am to 7:45 pm, the second half of the long-ass day washing detail. The lower body fatigue is intense, as was the smell which I corrected soon after getting home. Have to work again at 6:30, so for those who know me and did not think me capable of such miracles. Gaze if you will...behold the power of the mighty Matzoi!!!I!
If this is all I can do to commemorate our great Exodus out of Egypt and the defeat of the powerful Pharoah, so be it. Man I miss the big family Seder brouhahas, with the kreplachs and charoses and the chikken and hiding the Afikomen. Just no energy for me to make it myself this year. I'm fed, cleaned up and ready for bed. It sure is early!
And yes, I made sure to wash my Pupik.