Thursday, April 20, 2006

Hitting Fifth Base

The day started off normally, things just went on and on, trying hard to avoid the charging bull that is Ms. not-to be named here. Hard to stay out of her work-ethic ways. Instinct is an acquired thing. But 45 minutes of overtime was more than I could take. I hit the wall so to speak...again. The last vestige of my good natured, on the job sense of humor was spent singing along to Earth Wind and Fire's song Fantasy..along with a cray-zee looking homeless woman...not that I acknowledged her, but from behind the espresso machine I could see that she too was singing along, waving her arms and drinking her imported-from outside soda. Since we have patio seating now to go with the fine weather, and since there was another Falun Gong demonstration in Mcpherson Square (aka CrazyPark) Our shop became the popular place to hang out, use the bathroom, drink free water and generally do what comes naturally. If this is a sign of things to come, my attitude might be adjusted, one way or another. As long as I'm not cranky from hitting the wall. I need time to recharge, photsynthesize, make grass angels and listen to my iPod outdoors. At the very least! I might have real things to do soon like follow up on a real job! Soon, you muthas, yer gonna miss me! Gotta go roll up my dirty blanket and hit the park!